Outcomes Tools: Registering a House Name
The outcomes tools track data by the specific recovery house that a resident lives in. Residents will be selecting from a large list of recovery homes to find the home where they live. It is important that the identify of your organization and all of your recovery houses are correct and distinctive.
Each physical property will be listed on a dropdown menu in the following format: Organization Name: House Name.
If your house doesn’t already have a name, you will have to give the house a name. Remember that other people can see these on the survey, so you might not want to use exact addresses for privacy purposes. ORH suggests using something distinctive, because multiple organizations may have a house name like “House Number 1.”
Use things like “Maple Street House” for the house on Maple Street or “Main Street House” for the house on Main Street. Residents will have an easier time distinguishing names like these. But as you may have seen if you toured the Resident Survey, there are organizations with many recovery homes and they use the actual mailing addresses.
The important point here is that the resident will be scrolling through hundreds of other recovery homes just to find the home he or she is living in. So, it is important to make it as easy as possible to find the recovery home by name so they can accurately complete and submit the survey.