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Outcomes Tools Assessment #2
Outcomes Tools Training
Outcomes Tools Assessment #2
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The resident survey, where a resident takes an online survey, and the data dashboard, where you can see the results of the survey, are both accessed on the ORH website.
Residents should be filling out the move-in survey within one week of moving in.
Residents should be filling out the the resident survey every six months of residency
Residents should be filling out the move-out survey within a two-week window of moving out: either one week before move out, OR at move out OR one week after moving out of the recovery home.
The resident survey is found on the ORH website, and the password to access the survey is set by the recovery house organization.
The staff survey should ONLY be selected if a staff member is filling out the survey on behalf of a resident who left without notice.
Course Syllabus
Not Enrolled
Outcomes Tools Training
1. Outcomes Tools: Passing Assessments
2. Outcomes Tools: Why Participate?
3. Outcomes Tools: Provide Valuable Insights
4. Outcomes Tools: Who Has Access?
5. Outcomes Tools Assessment #1
6. Outcomes Tools: Two Parts
7. Outcomes Tools: Resident Survey Question Categories
8. Outcomes Tools: Resident Survey/Staff Survey
9. Outcomes Tools: Key Points About the Resident Survey
10. Outcomes Tools: Select the Right House
11. Outcomes Tools: Choose the Right Time Interval
12. Outcomes Tools: Where To Find the Resident Survey
13. Outcomes Tools: Tour the Resident Survey
14. Outcomes Tools Assessment #2
15. Outcomes Tools: Data Dashboard
16. Outcomes Tools: Who Has Access to the Data Dashboard
17. Outcomes Tools: Register for the Data Dashboard
18. Outcomes Tools: Interactive Data
19. Outcomes Tools: Three Ways to Download Data
20. Outcomes Tools: Downloading Data as an Image
21. Outcomes Tools: Data Dashboard Selections
22. Outcomes Tools: Bandwidth
23. Outcomes Tools: Data Dashboard Troubleshooting
24. Outcomes Tools: Tour the Data Dashboard
25. Outcomes Tools Assessment #3
26. Outcomes Tools: How to Get Registered
27. Outcomes Tools: Finding the Registration Form
28. Outcomes Tools: Registering a House Name
29. Outcomes Tools: County Board Access
30. Outcomes Tools Assessment #4
31. Outcomes Tools: Summary
32. Outcomes Tools: Contact Information
33. Outcomes Tools: NEXT STEPS
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