Outcomes Tools: Finding the Registration Form

Outcomes Tools Training > Outcomes Tools: Finding the Registration Form

The words Outcomes Tool: How to Get Registered at the top with a screenshot of the page on the ORH website below. A giant green arrow points to the button that says Register for the Outcomes Tools.

To register for the outcomes tools, add new recovery houses to your organization’s resident survey or add new names to have access to the data dashboard, find the Outcomes Tools page on the ORH website under Resources for Operators. Scroll down and click the green Register for the Outcomes Tools button.

(If the navigation instructions appear to be different from what is written above, please let ORH know at outcomes@ohiorecoveryhousing.org so we can correct it.)

A screenshot of the Outcomes Tools Registration Form.

When you first open the registration form, you need to select whether you are a county board or a recovery house operator. Selecting one or the other will change the registration format.

If you select Recovery Housing Operator, choose whether you are a first-time registrant, OR your organization is already registered and you need to add a new recovery home to the listing OR  you need to add a new staff member to the data dashboard. The form will expand differently depending on your selection.

Accurately enter the information requested, including the organization name, house name(s), names of those who will receive monthly reminders to ask residents to take the resident survey at the appropriate time intervals, and names of those within the organization who are permitted to have access the the data dashboard.

If you are a county board, then select County Board, and complete the form including those staff members who will have access to the data dashboard to see a summary of the resident survey results in your service area.

When this form is submitted, ORH will review the registration and get your organization set up.

View the Outcomes Tools Registration Form.