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Please log in to your account in order to access this material.Living in a recovery home gives residents an opportunity to live within a community. Not only are they living with others in recovery, but they are living within a larger neighborhood. Reaching out beyond the recovery home to the larger community can help residents…
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Est. Time | 28 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material. It is important that recovery homes have appropriate policies and procedures in place to prevent the spread of illness. This course will identify elements to meet NARR quality standards in a communicable disease prevention policy including physical environment, and best practice considerations to…
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Est. Time | 42 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.In order to meet measures for ORH certification, a recovery house medication policy should recognize that a person who is taking their own prescription medication as it is prescribed is not taking an illicit substance. The house should also take reasonable steps to ensure…
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Est. Time | 25 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.The physical environment of a recovery home is a critical component in supporting recovery. The physical space must ensure that residents are safe and healthy, but also support the social model of recovery. Learn how to apply the social model of recovery to the…
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Est. Time | 35 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.It is important that recovery residence operators know and understand the importance of a code of conduct policy. Former recovery house residents often mention the house’s social structure as THE significant reason for their recovery success. A recovery house’s code of conduct is the…
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Est. Time | 50 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.A resident rights statement is an essential component of ethical and effective recovery housing. It not only safeguards the rights and dignity of residents, but also contributes to the creation of a supportive and nurturing environment conducive to long-term recovery. A well-written resident rights…
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Est. Time | 30 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.In recovery housing, staff and leadership play a crucial role in creating a safe, supportive and conducive environment for residents’ recovery journeys. A clear and comprehensive code of conduct ensures that staff members uphold ethical standards, maintain professionalism and prioritize residents’ well-being at all…
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Est. Time | 17 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.Visitors play a significant role in the recovery process of residents in housing environments. Visitors can include family, friends, sponsors, peer supporters and others who are important to the individual and their recovery story. However, it’s essential to establish clear guidelines to ensure that…
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Est. Time | 16 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.In the dynamic environment of recovery housing, ensuring the safety, security and well-being of residents is paramount. Operators of recovery housing facilities play a pivotal role in maintaining a supportive environment, where residents can focus on their journey toward recovery with peace of mind.…
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Est. Time | 18 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.Paid work agreements are considered any arrangement where a resident is provided wages, money, discounts on rent or another item of value in exchange for performing work for the organization. It is a good idea to seek legal advice to ensure that you are…
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Est. Time | 17 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.While recovery homes are often concerned with how to prevent and address situations where residents may experience a disruption in recovery or even an overdose, there are many other situations that recovery homes need to prevent and plan for. Recovery homes should have policies…
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Est. Time | 21 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.It’s important to have critical conversations with residents at application and move-in. These conversations include reviewing the recovery house’s Code of Conduct, the Resident’s Rights Statement, what’s expected and what’s not allowed. This should also include a conversation on ethical boundaries with the recovery…
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Est. Time | 56 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.House meetings are crucial in creating a supportive and cohesive environment within a recovery home. They serve as a platform for residents to communicate openly, address concerns, build rapport and foster leadership skills. ORH requires that house meetings occur at least weekly and that…
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Est. Time | 18 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.All recovery homes are required to be free from illicit drugs and alcohol. Residents agree that they will not use or possess alcohol or illicit substances at any time, on or off the recovery housing property. Having an effective process for screening ensures that…
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Est. Time | 36 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.This training examines the National Alliance for Recovery Residences’ (NARR) four levels of housing, ranging from those that are peer run to those that are clinically focused. ObjectivesLearn NARR’s four levels of support, The key differences between the levels of support, and Factors that…
Objectives | Learn
Est. Time | 42 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.This training will provide an introduction to the ORH outcomes tools, with basic how-to instructions to ensure that your recovery home’s information has been properly uploaded and all data is captured in an accurate manner. This training is designed for the person who will…
Eligibility | To use the outcomes tools you must be an operator of recovery housing in the state of Ohio, as defined in the Ohio Revised Code.
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Est. Time | 1 hr 5 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.This training is designed specifically to help peer reviewers understand peer reviewer requirements, expectations and administrative processes. It will help you understand the role of a peer reviewer and the importance of being inclusive, identifying any conflicts of interest and informing your organization of…
Objectives | Learn:
Est. Time | 30 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.Protecting resident privacy is integral to supporting the social model of recovery in recovery housing. Privacy ensures that residents’ personal information, experiences and challenges are respected and kept confidential. This respect for individual dignity is foundational to the social model of recovery, which emphasizes…
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Est. Time | 26 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.It is important to be clear about what is meant by “recovery housing,” so individuals seeking housing, including family members and the community, can have a full understanding of the population served and the supports provided. If a property does not meet the state…
Objectives | Learn to identify:
Est. Time | 34 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.All recovery homes take individuals to run them properly. Staff support is one of the most important considerations in operating a recovery home. An organization will need people to perform the essential tasks listed and implement all of the policies and procedures that have…
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Est. Time | 25 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.You may have heard the term “relapse” or have heard people say “recurrence of symptoms.” These phrases are used because the terminology regarding recovery has changed as the understanding of the disease of addiction has advanced. But there is a lack of consensus on…
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Est. Time | 25 min |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.Having a structured and documented process for evaluating residents who are interested in moving into a recovery home is critical, and it is important to be clear in your resident application and evaluation process for many reasons. When recovery homes are evaluating prospective residents,…
Objectives | Learn more about:
Est. Time | 1 hr |
Please log in to your account in order to access this material.Resident rental or lease agreements serve as a cornerstone of effective recovery housing. They establish clear guidelines, expectations and boundaries for residents and provide a framework for mutual respect, accountability and communal responsibility within the recovery home. Learn about resident rental agreements and their…
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Est. Time | 32 min |