Outcomes Tools: Data Dashboard Troubleshooting

Outcomes Tools Training > Outcomes Tools: Data Dashboard Troubleshooting

Lost your dashboard password

If you ever forget your password, email ORH at outcomes@ohiorecoveryhousing.org, and we’ll send a password reset link. DO NOT try to reset your password through Klipfolio. Klipfolio will not be able to help you.

Data dashboard not working

If your dashboard is not working, try logging out and then logging back in. The system refreshes every 20 minutes, so your problems could be just a delay in the system, and sometimes logging out and logging back in again can help reset things.

Web browser choices

ORH recommends using Chrome or Firefox as your web browser.

Contact ORH

Please feel free to contact ORH if you are having issues. If possible, take a screenshot of the problem and send it to us. Screenshots help us see what you’re seeing so we can address the issue quickly and accurately. Contact ORH at outcomes@ohiorecoveryhousing.org.