Outcomes Tools: Passing Assessments

Outcomes Tools Training > Outcomes Tools: Passing Assessments

ORH wants to do our best to make sure that everyone is properly trained before allowing access. As you will find out later in the training, you will learn how your organization can register for the outcome tools. However, once your organizational information is submitted, it cannot be changed. So, if you submit your information incorrectly, you could not only mess up data for your own organization, but potentially someone else’s as well.

So, you will be required to pass a few assessments during this training in order to gain access to the outcomes tools.

The learning objectives for this training are:

  1. Learn about eligibility requirements for the outcomes tool
  2. Learn about the resident survey, where the resident completes the survey
  3. Learn about about the data dashboard, where you will see the survey results
  4. Learn about how to register for the outcomes tools