Outcomes Tools: Two Parts

Outcomes Tools Training > Outcomes Tools: Two Parts

An Outcomes Tool figure with two different boxes. On the left, a box that says Resident Survey, and under it a bulleted list: Found on the ORH Site; Completed by residents, At move-in, 6 months, move out; Password: recovery-ohio. On the right, a box that says Data Dashboard, and under it a bulleted list: Bookmarked on your computer, Resident survey results, Download data for grants, etc., Password: set by each user.

The outcomes tools have two parts. The resident survey is the first part, and the data dashboard is the second part.

They are two completely different things. The resident survey is where you input data, and the data dashboard is where you see the results of the survey. They are also accessed differently. The resident survey is on the ORH website, and the data dashboard should be bookmarked on your web browser for quick access.

The resident survey is a web-based questionnaire for residents living in recovery housing. Anyone can have access to the resident survey, so you do not need a special username. You just need the password, which is listed in the graphic at the top of this page and will be supplied later in this training.

The data dashboard is where you see the results of the survey that has been collected. ORH will have to give you access to your data dashboard, and you will have to set up your unique login credentials to view the survey results. The data dashboard password is specific to you, the user, whereas the resident survey has one password for everyone.

Let’s first look at the resident survey and then later we’ll look at the data dashboard.