Outcomes Tools: Who Has Access?

Outcomes Tools Training > Outcomes Tools: Who Has Access?

To use the outcomes tools, you must be an operator of recovery housing in the state of Ohio, as defined in the Ohio Revised Code.

You do not need to be certified, and you do not need to receive funding from your county board. You just need to be an operating recovery home, and, of course, you must successfully complete the outcomes tools training for access.

So, you just need to be an operating recovery home in Ohio to be eligible for access to the outcomes tool.

So, what does it mean to be a recovery home in Ohio.  Let’s break it down.

  • Recovery housing is an alcohol and drug free living environment.  That means that you have policies and procedures in place to help keep the home free from illicit substances – as well as programs to support residents in their journey of recovery.
  • Length of stay in Recovery housing is resident driven.  Residents can stay as long as they need to, as long as they follow house policies.
  • Finally, there is a community of recovery.  Recovery housing is not defined by the person who lives there but the environment that is created.  That means – the recovery home is structured in a way that the home ensures that residents within the home are developing a community AND supporting one another through peer-driven support. You may have heard the phrase “social model of recovery.”  Under this model, residents not only receive, but give support –  and the home creates an environment where that can happen.