Outcomes Tools Training

This training will provide an introduction to the ORH outcomes tools, with basic how-to instructions to ensure that your recovery home’s information has been properly uploaded and all data is captured in an accurate manner. This training is designed for the person who will be assisting residents as they complete the resident-driven survey and for those who will have access to a data dashboard, where you can see the results of the resident survey. The data can be used in community outreach, communications, fundraising, grant writing or grant reporting for your organization.

For any questions about the outcomes tools outside of this training, please feel free to reach out to ORH at outcomes@ohiorecoveryhousing.org.


To use the outcomes tools you must be an operator of recovery housing in the state of Ohio, as defined in the Ohio Revised Code.


  • Learn about eligibility requirements for the outcomes tools
  • Learn about the resident survey – where the resident completes the survey
  • Learn about the data dashboard, where you will see the resident survey results
  • Learn about how to register for the outcomes tools
Est. Time1 hr 5 min