Outcomes Tools: Data Dashboard Selections

Outcomes Tools Training > Outcomes Tools: Data Dashboard Selections


When viewing data – it is important to select the right year. Selecting data in years prior to joining this initiative will show that no data was collected.

Also, if you have more than one house it is important to select the right house.  If you have only one house, only that house will appear in the dropdown menu. Please note: we are viewing ORH’s view of the dashboard where we can see all the data. Your view will only display data from your house or houses.

The Outcomes Tools been collecting data since 2016, and you may have only just recently join the Outcomes Tools initiative.

So, you should only select 2022 to Present data tab on the left of the dashboard. Otherwise, the data will look incomplete from those early years. Also on the left are tabs where you can view just certain categories such as economics data, recovery support data, resident demographics, and such.