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Resident Rights Statement Assessment #3
Creating a Resident Rights Statement
Resident Rights Statement Assessment #3
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The resident rights statement can be unique to the recovery house organization and residents, depending on the program.
Once finalized, a recovery house organization should include the resident rights statement in their policies and procedures manual, and make that manual easily accessible to residents and staff.
A resident rights statement is NOT required for a certified recovery housing program.
Course Syllabus
Not Enrolled
Creating a Resident Rights Statement
1. Resident Rights Statement: Overview
2. Resident Rights Statement: The Social Model of Recovery
3. Resident Rights Statement: Legal Rights
4. Resident Rights Statement: Communicate Rights Before Agreements are Signed
5. Resident Rights Statement Assessment #1
6. Resident Rights Statement: Required Elements
7. Resident Rights Statement: The Grievance Process
8. Resident Rights Statement: The Right to Exercise Rights
9. Resident Rights Statement: The Right to File a Grievance
10. Resident Rights Statement: The Right To Be Informed of Charges
11. Resident Rights Statement: The Right To Receive Written Receipts and Detailed Statements
12. Resident Rights Statement: The Right to an Independent Treatment Specialist or Legal Counsel
13. Resident Rights Statement: The Right to a Full Explanation Regarding the Restriction or Loss of House Privileges
14. Resident Rights Statement: Signature Line
15. Resident Rights Statement Assessment #2
16. Resident Rights Statement: Other Considerations
17. Resident Rights Statement: Best Practices
18. Resident Rights Statement: Sample
19. Resident Rights Statement Assessment #3
20. Resident Rights Statement: Homework Assignment
21. Resident Rights Statement: NEXT STEPS
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