Homelike Environment


Recovery housing residences must also maintain a homelike environment.  A homelike environment is not just about the physical environment, but how residents interact with the physical environment and the services and supports provided.


Residents may receive any services and supports in the home that are appropriate to be offered in an individual’s home.  It is not about if the service is a recovery support, clinical service, or a medical service, but if it is appropriate for the service to be offered in an individual’s private home.  For example, group therapy and other services are typically not provided in a private home, so they would not be offered in a recovery home.  Peer support is often offered in a person’s private home – and therefore would certainly be allowed to be provided in a private home.  Telehealth services also often occur in individual’s private homes consequently it is appropriate for a resident of a recovery home to receive these services in this setting.


Residents often have other health care and medical issues that may occur while they are living in the home that may require home services and care.  For example, if a resident sustains an injury and needs in-home nursing care.  If they would otherwise receive this care in their own private home, they can receive the care in the recovery housing residence.


This information does not consider billing policies and practices for the Ohio Department of Medicaid or private insurance companies.  Be sure to consult with any billing entity for what settings are appropriate to bill specific services.


(LEARN MORE about a recovery housing homelike environment by OhioMHAS https://mha.ohio.gov/static/SupportingProviders/HousingProviders/RecoveryHusing/Recovery-Housing-Development-Guidebook-3-21-22-Update.pdf)