Good Neighbor: Consider Outreach

Being a Good Neighbor in Recovery Housing > Good Neighbor: Consider Outreach


Carefully Consider Outreach to Neighbors

Each neighborhood is different.  While the strategy of going door to door to meet neighbors may work in some communities, I can be an unwelcome idea in others.

Additionally, holding a large public meeting may seem like a good idea, but these types of meetings can easily be overtaken by angry or unruly individuals.

That does not mean that you can not make yourself accessible to neighbors.  Some recovery homes found that offering an “open house” where neighbors can stop by, ask questions, and meet the team at the recovery home can be a helpful way to welcome neighbors to conversation.  Others have found that offering to have coffee with small groups of neighbors is a good way to engage in conversation instead of large public meetings.  These strategies can demonstrate that you are welcoming, interested in listening to the community, and are open to conversation without creating opportunities for situations that can get out of control.