Good Neighbor: Neighbor Concerns Policy Elements – Organization Steps

Being a Good Neighbor in Recovery Housing > Good Neighbor: Neighbor Concerns Policy Elements - Organization Steps

Critical Elements of a Neighbor Concern Policy: Steps the organization should take after they are notified by a resident

The neighbor concern policy must also describe what the person responsible for communicating with the neighbor is required to do with the information.

In most cases, this person will follow up with the neighbor and answer their questions or remedy the situation if there is an issue. You may also want to consider ensuring that this person notifies their supervisor or other appropriate person about the matter. Having this in the policy helps ensure that your leaders know what they are supposed to do to handle these situations.

While not required, it is a best practice to keep records of communications with neighbors, the concerns that are received and how you addressed them. This can help you demonstrate that you are responsive to neighbor concerns and that you are tracking this information.