Resident Code of Conduct: Write Your Code of Conduct

Creating a Resident Code of Conduct for a Recovery House > Resident Code of Conduct: Write Your Code of Conduct

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Write your Code of Conduct

Remember, the code of conduct should be unique to your organization and your residents. It should be made up of general statements that do not require further instructions.

You should also use the NARR Standards to guide you in applying the social model of recovery to your code of conduct.

Once you feel your code of conduct is complete enough, have others in recovery housing review the document for suggested changes.

And once finalized, include it in your policies and procedures manual, and make that manual easily accessible to residents and staff.

Course Syllabus

Not Enrolled
1. Resident Code of Conduct: Overview
2. Resident Code of Conduct: Social Model of Recovery
3. Resident Code of Conduct: Journal Exercise
5. Resident Code of Conduct: Language Matters, continued
6. Resident Code of Conduct: The Power of Words
7. Resident Code of Conduct: Using Person-First Language
8. Resident Code of Conduct: Using Person-First Language, continued
9. Resident Code of Conduct: Treatment vs. Recovery Home Language
10. Resident Code of Conduct: Bias and Stigma
11. Resident Code of Conduct: Language Exercise
12. Resident Code of Conduct: Language Exercise, continued
13. Resident Code of Conduct: Assessment #2
14. Resident Code of Conduct: NARR Standards
15. Resident Code of Conduct: Promote a Safe and Healthy Environment
16. Resident Code of Conduct: Healthy Habits and Behavior
17. Resident Code of Conduct: Healthy Physical Environment
18. Resident Code of Conduct: Trusted Community within the House
19. Resident Code of Conduct: Being a Good Neighbor
20. Resident Code of Conduct: NARR Levels of Support
21. Resident Code of Conduct: Document Review
22. Resident Code of Conduct: Assessment #3
23. Resident Code of Conduct: When a Resident Does Not Follow the Code of Conduct
24. Resident Code of Conduct: Asking to Resident to Leave
25. Resident Code of Conduct: Don’t Rewrite the Code of Conduct
26. Resident Code of Conduct: Write Your Code of Conduct
27. Resident Code of Conduct: Assessment #4
28. Resident Code of Conduct: NEXT STEPS