Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Resident Governance

Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation for Recovery Housing > Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Resident Governance

A critical part of recovery housing is resident governance. One way residents have governance in the home is helping to decide if a new resident can move in. Determine how you will gather resident feedback on new residents clearly, measurably and consistently.

Include the following for resident feedback, and remember that all Level II homes must implement at least one of these:

  • Allow residents an opportunity to interview new potential residents and decide if they are to move into the home
  • Allow residents to review applications and determine who will be interviewed for any openings in the home

In Level I homes, operators may determine if a person meets any financial or other basic eligibility criteria, but residents are to make the final decision on if a person can move into the home.

It is important that residents understand your recovery home’s commitment to non-discrimination and equity when they are making decisions about who will be able to move into the home. To uphold these principles, it can be helpful to have a discussion with residents prior to collecting and sharing any applications and remind them of the organization’s values and commitments. Tell residents that they may get applications from people who are of different backgrounds, including different races, religions, sexual orientations, etc. Allow residents to ask questions in advance and create a safe space for open and respectful discussion. By having this discussion, you can confirm your commitment to equity and avoid any potential issues during an evaluation process that involves a specific resident.

Course Syllabus

Not Enrolled
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #1
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Introduction
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 1
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 2
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 3
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 4
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Assessment #1
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Create Resident Application Criteria that are Clear, Measurable and Consistent
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #2
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #2 Suggestions
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #3
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #3 Suggestions
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #4
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #4 Suggestions
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Evaluation Criteria Required to Meet National Quality Standards
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Required Evaluation Criteria for Level III Recovery Homes
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Required Evaluation Criteria for Level II Recovery Homes
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Required Evaluation Criteria for Level I Recovery Homes
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Other Criteria
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Assessment #2
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Documents
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #5
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Developing an Evaluation Process
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Items to Avoid
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Separate Recovery Housing Application from Other Applications
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Other Considerations
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Resident Governance
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Create a Scoring Rubric
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Draft Your Process
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Assessment #3
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: NEXT STEPS