Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Evaluation Criteria Required to Meet National Quality Standards

Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation for Recovery Housing > Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Evaluation Criteria Required to Meet National Quality Standards

Recovery housing operators have wide discretion regarding the criteria that they will use when determining if a resident is to be accepted into the recovery housing program. There are minimum criteria, but operators can go beyond the minimum to design their specific and unique programs.

Though minimum criteria differ by level of support, all ORH certified recovery homes must ensure that residents who are applying to move into the home meet the following criteria:

The applicant is a person with a substance use disorder.

A home may also seek to serve individuals who have a substance use disorder and are a member of another target population. For example, this could be people with substance use disorders who also have a mental health disability, are a veteran or have a history of involvement in the criminal justice system. However, all individuals who are permitted to move into the home must be individuals who identify as individuals with a substance use disorder.

The applicant is willing to participate in recovery planning.

Recovery planning is a required component of living in recovery residences. Evaluation criteria must measure if a person is willing to participate in your program’s recovery planning process.

The applicant is willing to support others in their recovery.

All residents in recovery housing not only get support but provide support to one another. Your evaluation criteria must measure if a person is willing to provide this type of support while living in the home.

The applicant is willing to maintain a drug- and alcohol-free living environment.

All recovery homes must ensure that residents are able to refrain from the use of illicit drugs and alcohol both on and off the property. Additionally, the home must measure that the person is willing to ensure that the property is always free from illicit drugs and alcohol.

Now let’s look at minimum criteria by level of support.

Course Syllabus

Not Enrolled
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #1
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Introduction
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 1
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 2
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 3
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 4
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Assessment #1
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Create Resident Application Criteria that are Clear, Measurable and Consistent
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #2
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #2 Suggestions
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #3
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #3 Suggestions
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #4
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #4 Suggestions
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Evaluation Criteria Required to Meet National Quality Standards
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Required Evaluation Criteria for Level III Recovery Homes
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Required Evaluation Criteria for Level II Recovery Homes
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Required Evaluation Criteria for Level I Recovery Homes
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Other Criteria
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Assessment #2
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Documents
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #5
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Developing an Evaluation Process
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Items to Avoid
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Separate Recovery Housing Application from Other Applications
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Other Considerations
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Resident Governance
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Create a Scoring Rubric
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Draft Your Process
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Assessment #3
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: NEXT STEPS