Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Introduction

Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation for Recovery Housing > Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Introduction

Take a moment to reflect on the journal exercise where you listed the key factors you thought were important to making the recovery home a safe and effective environment. Many of these factors are impacted by the resident evaluation and screening criteria the house uses to determine what residents are appropriate for residency.

It is critical to have a structured and documented process for evaluating residents who are moving into a recovery home. 

For example, a key factor of recovery housing is that residents support one another in their recovery. When recovery homes are evaluating prospective residents, it is important to take the time to ensure that all individuals moving into the home fully understand and are committed to supporting everyone in their recovery journeys.

Let us look at the importance of having a structured process for resident applications and evaluations, how to develop criteria for moving in that is clear and measurable, the minimum requirements for resident evaluation and how to create a written process for ensuring evaluation criteria are implemented consistently over time.

Course Syllabus

Not Enrolled
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #1
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Introduction
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 1
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 2
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 3
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Having a Clear and Measurable Process, Part 4
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Assessment #1
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Create Resident Application Criteria that are Clear, Measurable and Consistent
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #2
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #2 Suggestions
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #3
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #3 Suggestions
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #4
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #4 Suggestions
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Evaluation Criteria Required to Meet National Quality Standards
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Required Evaluation Criteria for Level III Recovery Homes
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Required Evaluation Criteria for Level II Recovery Homes
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Required Evaluation Criteria for Level I Recovery Homes
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Other Criteria
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Assessment #2
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Documents
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Journal Exercise #5
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Developing an Evaluation Process
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Items to Avoid
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Separate Recovery Housing Application from Other Applications
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Other Considerations
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Resident Governance
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Create a Scoring Rubric
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Draft Your Process
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: Assessment #3
Resident Application and Move-In Evaluation: NEXT STEPS