The Kitchen and Dining Area

Residents should be able to use any kitchens in the home whenever they would like to prepare meals and snacks. There should be enough space for residents to store their food and cooking supplies. Recovery homes must also ensure:

  • There is one fridge for every five residents.

  • Dry food storage is available.

  • No food is being stored on the floor or in places inappropriate for food storage.

  • Dishes are clean and stored appropriately.

  • The inside of the refrigerator is cold, clean and the refrigerator is not leaking.

  • The stove and oven are in good working order.

  • All other appliances that are provided are in good working order.

  • There are appropriate hand-washing supplies at the kitchen sink.

  • There is a fire extinguisher that is easily accessible.

  • There is a smoke detector in an area where it will make an alert if something is burning in the kitchen.

  • There is a dining area large enough to accommodate all residents to share a meal together with enough tables and chairs.