Incident Reporting Policy: What is an Incident?

Creating an Incident Reporting Policy for Recovery Housing > Incident Reporting Policy: What is an Incident?

Generally, an incident is any event or occurrence that is not consistent with the routine operations, policies or procedures of a program. An incident may or may not result in a grievance.

A recovery housing organization should be clear with staff and residents about what is an incident and why reporting is required to maintain a safe recovery home for everyone.

Recovery housing programs are able to modify their incident reporting processes, but at a minimum, the following events should be considered incidents and should be appropriately reported, documented and addressed:

  • Overdose
  • Use of illicit substances or alcohol on the property
  • Missing medication or finding substances within the recovery home
  • Sexual or physical harassment or assault
  • A resident’s serious injury or death
  • A visitor’s serious injury or death on the property
  • Anytime emergency response personnel are called to the house