Grievance Policy: How Policies Can Prevent Grievances

Creating a Grievance Policy for Recovery Housing > Grievance Policy: How Policies Can Prevent Grievances

How does recovery housing policies prevent grievances?

It can be difficult for residents, especially newer residents, to fully grasp all of the different expectations of them when they live in a recovery residence.

A recovery housing program should not only ensure that residents review policies and procedures before they move in, but also check in with them on a regular basis, just to make sure residents understand.

As they live in the house for a time, they will gain a fuller understanding of how things work and how policies are implemented.

Recovery residence policies should be clearly written and easy to read. It is also advisable for recovery homes to establish a resident handbook to help ease transition and ensure residents understand the recovery house rules and be informed of their rights.

Resident rights should include:

  • Freedom from abuse and neglect
  • Freedom from forced or coerced labor
  • Privacy of physical health and behavioral health records
  • Freedom to manage their own finances
  • Freedom to have family supports
  • Freedom from unethical patient brokers
  • A process to submit and resolve grievances

(LEARN MORE from SAMSHA’s Best Practices for Recovery Housing handbook.)