Staffing: Position Assignment Descriptions

Recovery Housing Staffing > Staffing: Position Assignment Descriptions

Once a recovery housing organization has determined who will be responsible for which roles, it is important to create position assignment descriptions.

The format these take will depend on what type of arrangement a program has with the person performing the role. For example, if they are an employee, it will be a job description. If they are a volunteer, it will be a volunteer agreement. If they are an independent contractor, it will be a contract. It is up to the organization to make the appropriate arrangements considering the NARR standards and the laws that apply to the organization.

Each position assignment description must contain the following:

  • The role of the person
  • Who will be supervising that person (if they are not the owner or equivalent)
  • What their responsibilities will be
  • The signatures of both the individual and someone representing the organization

These agreements are essential because they clearly outline that the person agrees to do these essential responsibilities for your organization.