Level IV Homes


While the National Alliance of Recovery Residences recognizes four Level of Support for recovery housing, in Ohio, only Levels I, II, and III meet the Ohio Revised Code definition of recovery housing.

In Ohio, NARR Level IV recovery homes are considered residential treatment facilities and must be licensed by OhioMHAS and NOT by ORH.

Residential treatment facility/program is staff ed 24 hours a day/seven days a week and provides room, board, personal care and clinical services on-site as part of the treatment stay. Admission to the facility/program is determined by clinical/medical need. The facility is owned and operated by a certified treatment provider agency for the clinical/medical services provided on-site and may be affiliated with or within an inpatient continuum. This type of housing is licensed and is not subject to tenant landlord law.

Level IV Residential Treatment Providers are essential to the continuum of care for people with substance use disorders, and residential treatment providers can certainly implement aspects of the social model of recovery within their programs to create safe, supportive, and homelike environments.

And Ohio Recovery Housing is happy to assist Level IV residential treatment facilities in understanding aspects of ORH Standards and how they can be integrated into their treatment programs.  But Ohio Recovery Housing does not offer an onsite quality review of Level IV residential treatment programs.


(LEARN MORE about OhioMHAS Housing Categories and Definitions https://mha.ohio.gov/static/Portals/0/assets/SchoolsAndCommunities/CommunityAndHousing/HousingResources/Housing-Definitions_122018.pdf)