Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 3

Illicit Drug and Alcohol Screening in Recovery Housing > Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 3

All recovery homes must have a process in place for ensuring illicit drugs and alcohol screenings are performed if there is a suspicion of use.

Circumstances that indicate a suspicion of use may include, but are not limited to:

  • A resident displaying unusual behavior
  • Other residents expressing concern about the resident
  • Partners in the community, such as employers or other program providers, expressing concerns about the resident

All individuals who are living in the home may be subject to a screening based on suspicion of use, even if they are a paid staff member or a person related to the resident, but not the resident themselves. For instance:

  • If a person is a staff member as well as a resident, an organization may refer to their human resources policy regarding drug- and alcohol-free working environments and associated screening requirements.
  • If a recovery housing program offers housing for families and a family member of a person receiving recovery services is suspected of use, but not the individual themselves, your program should have a policy on how this is addressed. For example, in a family environment, if a person’s spouse or teenage child is suspected of using substances, the organization should be prepared to take action. The policy must uphold the illicit-drug- and alcohol-free living environment for all residents, while also ensure that the whole family is connected to services and supports.