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Illicit Substance Screening: Assessment #3
Illicit Drug and Alcohol Screening in Recovery Housing
Illicit Substance Screening: Assessment #3
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If a person who identifies as nonbinary wants to live in a recovery home, it is okay to deny them drug screening because it makes your staff uncomfortable
Separating recovery housing residence screenings from treatment center screenings can be one effective strategy for maintaining appropriate separation between treatment and recovery housing programming.
Recovery homes may charge fees for screening, as long as they are clearly outlined in the resident agreement, the fees are applied consistently, and fees are not used as a mechanism to encourage residents to move out of the recovery residence.
What levels of support require random drug screening to be performed?
Level I
Level II
Level III
All of the above
What item is NOT recommended to be in your documentation of a screening?
Name of resident
Social Security number of resident
Type of screening
Screening results
Course Syllabus
Not Enrolled
Illicit Drug and Alcohol Screening in Recovery Housing
1. Illicit Substance Screening: Importance of Clear and Consistent Policies
2. Illicit Substance Screening: Importance of Clear and Consistent Policies, continued
3. Illicit Substance Screening: Clear Documentation
4. Illicit Substance Screening: Assessment #1
5. Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 1
6. Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 2
7. Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 3
8. Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 4
9. Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 5
10. Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 6
11. Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 7
12. Illicit Substance Screening: Assessment #2
13. Illicit Substance Screening: Additional Considerations, Part 1
14. Illicit Substance Screening: Additional Considerations, Part 2
15. Illicit Substance Screening: Additional Considerations, Part 3
16. Illicit Substance Screening: Create an Inclusive Environment
17. Illicit Substance Screening: Documentation
18. Illicit Substance Screening: Assessment #3
19. Illicit Substance Screening: NEXT STEPS
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