Illicit Substance Screening: Additional Considerations, Part 2

Illicit Drug and Alcohol Screening in Recovery Housing > Illicit Substance Screening: Additional Considerations, Part 2

Consider how you will handle residents who disagree with the results and if subsequent screenings will be allowed.

Recovery homes may offer residents an opportunity to perform a follow-up screening if they disagree with the results of the first screening. Be clear how many subsequent screenings, if any, are permitted and if there are any additional requirements for those screenings, such as requiring a more sensitive screening or a screening being performed by a third party.

Additionally, consider the costs of such screenings and who is expected to pay for any subsequent screenings.

As previously mentioned, recovery housing operators have wide discretion over how they will handle such situations. While it is not required that your policy contain this information, it is a very good idea to include this extra detail to avoid confusion.