Illicit Substance Screening: Additional Considerations, Part 1

Illicit Drug and Alcohol Screening in Recovery Housing > Illicit Substance Screening: Additional Considerations, Part 1

Consider how the policy will apply to all individuals who are living in the home.

Recovery homes are environments where all people living in the home agree not to use alcohol or illicit substances. This means that if your home allows couples to live together, or children to live with their parents, especially older children like teenagers, you need to consider if your screening policy will include these individuals as well.

In addition to partners and children, you may also have staff, volunteers or contractors who perform essential responsibilities for your program and also live in the recovery home, or who are also participating in the recovery housing program. Each organization is different in how they create appropriate agreements, contracts or employment arrangements with such individuals.

Consult with a human resources expert or attorney as you develop your volunteer or employee manual to ensure that you have screening policies that are in compliance with local, state and federal employment laws.

It is critical that an organization ensure that these individuals understand that they are also expected to not use illicit drugs or alcohol if they choose to live within the recovery home, even if they are not actively participating in programming.