Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 6

Illicit Drug and Alcohol Screening in Recovery Housing > Illicit Substance Screening: Required Components, Part 6

Recovery homes must also be clear about how screenings are paid for.

It is recommended that an organization include the costs of regular screenings in the costs of resident fees and rent. This eliminates the likelihood that a resident will refuse a drug screening due to their ability to pay for the screening, creating a more equitable environment for all residents.

However, organizations do have the ability to charge fees for screenings if the fees are:

  • Consistent among all residents. For example, it would not be allowable to have residents who get clinical treatment at a specific agency get their screenings for free, while others must pay a fee.
  • Outlined in the resident agreement.
  • Not used as a strategy to encourage residents to move out of the residence.