Emergency Preparedness: Safety Checklists

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Recovery Housing > Emergency Preparedness: Safety Checklists

Safety checklists are one way that you can help prevent emergencies.

These checklists should include ensuring that any safety equipment in your home is in good working order and any potential issues are identified early and addressed in a timely fashion. Reviewing these checklists can help you prevent fires, damage to your home and prevent injuries.

The American Red Cross and FEMA have created basic checklists (below) for families, and these are great resources for you to get started thinking about your safety checklists.

Be sure to include a Naloxone supply on your checklist!

Additional Resources:

Be Red Cross Ready: Fire Prevention and Safety Checklist

Fire Safety Checklist for Homeowners and Renters from FEMA

Ohio MHAS Recovery Housing Development Guide Book