Emergency Preparedness: Smoke Alarms and Fire Extinguishers

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Recovery Housing > Emergency Preparedness: Smoke Alarms and Fire Extinguishers

Smoke alarms and fire extinguishers must be present in the home to meet quality standards.

Smoke alarms must be in each sleeping room. Having smoke alarms only in hallways or outside sleeping rooms is not sufficient. In addition to sleeping rooms, consider having smoke alarms on each level of the recovery house.

Fire extinguishers need to be near any cooking equipment. It’s important to train staff and residents so they understand where fire extinguishers should be kept and how to use them. Fire departments can help with training and answer questions that community members may have. Retraining should happen on a regular timetable.

Additional Resources:

Planning & Implementing a Successful Smoke Alarm Installation Program from the National Fire Protection Association

Choosing and Using Fire Extinguishers from the U.S. Fire Administration