Recurrence of Use: Addressing the Resident

Recurrence of Use in Recovery Housing > Recurrence of Use: Addressing the Resident

Address the recurrence of use with the resident by implementing policies and practices that allow them to remain in the home’s program, if possible.

Immediate termination of residency will likely result in further deterioration of the resident’s condition – including a risk of death.

The following are topics to consider when determining if a resident can remain in recovery housing:

  • The circumstances of the recurrence of use
  • Having the resident screened by a treatment provider to determine if there is a need for treatment services or a higher level of support
  • A review of the recovery plan and what changes are needed
  • If the home has the ability to provide any additional supports based on the new recovery plan
  • If the resident remains interested in recovery and recovery housing

Because the recurrence of use may impact the other residents in the home, consider hosting a meeting with residents and allowing them to discuss if the person should be able to return with increased supports and agreement to other terms or conditions.

If a resident is determined to be able to remain in housing, the home should work with the resident to reevaluate their recurrence of use prevention plan, adjust any goals and increase any supports.

If a resident is unable or no longer wishes to live in recovery housing, the resident must be provided with a referral to treatment, recovery supports or another housing option. These referrals must be appropriately documented. Appropriately documenting these referrals not only helps the recovery housing organization ensure that they are meeting standards for quality, but it also demonstrates that the program is consistently implementing the standards in case there is a grievance or concern about the process.

A note on landlord and tenant laws:

This training is not legal advice. It is important that recovery housing organization seek appropriate counsel for legal advice.

Recovery homes are not exempt from landlord tenant law. Any policies that a program has regarding termination of residency must consider landlord tenant, fair housing and other applicable state and federal laws.