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Getting Started
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Recurrence of Use: Assessment #1
Recurrence of Use in Recovery Housing
Recurrence of Use: Assessment #1
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A resident experiencing a one-time situation that is an error in judgment due to environmental triggers or extreme situations should be treated the same as someone who uses substances because they are no longer interested in a recovery-oriented life-style.
Recognizing recurrence of use as a process requires that we view each of these incidents using a person-centered approach with a goal of ensuring safety, reducing trauma, allowing residents to learn from the experience and providing support to break the cycle.
The core of recurrence of use prevention is building quality relationships with and among people in recovery.
Course Syllabus
Not Enrolled
Recurrence of Use in Recovery Housing
Recurrence of Use: Journal Exercise
Recurrence of Use: What is Recurrence of Use?
Recurrence of Use: Prevention Strategies
Recurrence of Use: Help Residents Develop Prosocial Relationships
Recurrence of Use: Assessment #1
Recurrence of Use: Develop Positive Relationships with Staff
Recurrence of Use: NARR Standards
Recurrence of Use: Individualized Plans
Recurrence of Use: Resident with Children
Recurrence of Use: Emergency Response Plan
Recurrence of Use: Assessment #2
Recurrence of Use: Addressing the Resident
Recurrence of Use: Keeping Other Residents Safe
Recurrence of Use: Physical Safety
Recurrence of Use: Increase Awareness
Recurrence of Use: Additional Learning
Recurrence of Use: Assessment #3
Recurrence of Use: NEXT STEPS
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