Recurrence of Use: Help Residents Develop Prosocial Relationships

Recurrence of Use in Recovery Housing > Recurrence of Use: Help Residents Develop Prosocial Relationships

One of the most beneficial aspects of living in recovery housing is creating an environment where residents live together and support each other as a family. Residents also work to hold each other accountable in a positive and supportive way. They want to see each other be successful and are there to help residents who have challenges.

Strategies to help residents develop positive relationships with one another include:

  • Using buddy or mentorship systems, where residents who have lived in the house longer support newer residents and get to know them.
  • Setting group mealtimes where residents prepare and enjoy meals together.
  • Having residents plan and execute social support activities, such as picnics, movie nights and other activities for the house.
  • Encouraging residents who notice another resident struggling to reach out, offer to help and offer support as a friend and peer. Residents should feel free to tell someone if they feel a resident is struggling.
  • Allowing residents to identify ways to help each other celebrate their successes.
  • Allowing residents to play a role in setting and enforcing house rules that are supportive of recovery and hold each other accountable for them.