Medication Policy: Medication-Assisted Treatment  

Creating a Medication Policy for Recovery Housing > Medication Policy: Medication-Assisted Treatment  

Medication-Assisted Treatment 

Often, when we think of medication in recovery homes, we think of MAT. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration, which oversees regulations related to medications:

“Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is the use of medications in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, which is effective in the treatment of opioid use disorders (OUD) and can help some people to sustain recovery.”

MAT has been shown to improve engagement and outcomes for people with substance use disorders.  There is also often stigma associated with MAT. Discussion of the benefits, risks and details around medication-assisted treatment are beyond the scope of this training module.

Learn more from ORH’s publication, Best Practice Guidance: Medication-Assisted Treatment in Recovery Housing.

While MAT is certainly something to consider and an important medication that some people with substance use disorders take to assist them in their recovery, the medication policies in recovery homes must consider all medications that residents may be taking. Residents are whole persons and may have other conditions in addition to substance use disorder. A resident may be taking blood pressure medication, insulin, mental health medication or any number of other medications to sustain a healthful life.