Ethical Boundaries: Standards of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct

Ethical Boundaries in Recovery Housing > Ethical Boundaries: Standards of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct

For example, the Standards of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct in the Ohio Administrative Code clearly state that counselors, social workers and therapists shall not engage in sexual activity with the person they are helping, whether or not the activity is consensual. The professional:

  • Shall not engage in sexual activities or sexual contact.
  • Shall not engage in sexual intimacies with former clients within a minimum of five years after terminating the therapeutic relationship.

A personal relationship has the potential to be harmful to the client and may make it difficult for the counselor, social worker or marriage and family therapist to maintain appropriate professional boundaries.

There are clear disciplinary actions that can be taken against the counselor, social worker or therapist if this happens.

Read it in more detail:

Course Syllabus

Not Enrolled
Ethical Boundaries: Introduction
Ethical Boundaries: Introduction cont.
Ethical Boundaries: Ethics and Boundaries are Different
Ethical Boundaries: Code of Ethics
Ethical Boundaries: Standards of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct
Ethical Boundaries: Obligation of All Recovery House Operators
Ethical Boundaries Assessment #1
Ethical Boundaries: What is an Ethical Boundary?
Ethical Boundaries: Ethical Boundaries in Recovery Housing
Ethical Boundaries: Staying Within Ethical Boundaries
Ethical Boundaries: Dual Relationships
Ethical Boundaries: Are You Crossing Ethical Boundary?
Ethical Boundaries Assessment #2
Ethical Boundaries: What Are Boundary Violations?
Ethical Boundaries: Examples of Professionals Crossing Ethical Boundaries
Ethical Boundaries: Example #1 of Crossing an Ethical Boundary
Ethical Boundaries: Example #2 of Crossing an Ethical Boundary
Ethical Boundaries: Example #3 of Crossing an Ethical Boundary
Ethical Boundaries: Be Safe Instead of Being Sorry
Ethical Boundaries: Staying in Your Lane
Ethical Boundaries: How to Avoid Crossing an Ethical Boundary
Ethical Boundaries: Employment
Ethical Boundaries: Money
Ethical Boundaries: Grievances
Ethical Boundaries: Staff
Ethical Boundaries: "Difficult" or "Mean" Resident
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #1
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #1 cont.
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #2
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #2 cont.
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #3
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #3 Cont.
Ethical Boundaries: Summary
Ethical Boundaries Assessment #3
Ethical Boundaries: NEXT STEPS