Level of Support: FINAL STEPS
Congratulations on completing this training on NARR’s four Levels of Support in recovery housing.
You’ve learned that …
In Level I homes the resident self-identifies as in recovery, some long-term, with peer-community accountability. There is no onsite-staffing, only peer to peer support, and the house is democratically run.
In Level II homes the typical resident has a stable recovery but wishes to have a more structured, peer accountable and supportive living environment. Resident house manager(s) are often compensated by free or reduced rent. Residents participate in house governance in concert with staff/recovery residence operator.
Level III homes offer a higher supervised level of support with structured daily schedule and life skills supports, where staff are present in the home whenever residents are present, such as a paid house manager, administrative support, certified peer recovery support service provider.
AND Level IV homes, in Ohio, are considered a residential treatment facility and require clinical oversight or monitoring.
Please continue by completing the Post-Training Evaluation so ORH can continue to bring you quality training.