Ethical Boundaries: Grievances

Ethical Boundaries in Recovery Housing > Ethical Boundaries: Grievances

How to Avoid Crossing an Ethical Boundary with Grievances

“NARR Standard C7b: …Grievance policy and procedures, including the right to take unresolved grievances to the operator’s oversight organization.”

“NARR Standard C7e: …Evidence that residents have opportunities to be heard in the governance of the residence; however, decision making remains with the operator.”


What recovery house doesn’t deal with complaints or concerns almost every day?

Recovery houses should have and follow their grievance policy and procedures, including the right to take unresolved grievances to the operator’s oversight organization.

Document when a resident wants to be heard about the governance of the residence, but know that all final decisions remain with the recovery house operator.

Course Syllabus

Not Enrolled
Ethical Boundaries: Introduction
Ethical Boundaries: Introduction cont.
Ethical Boundaries: Ethics and Boundaries are Different
Ethical Boundaries: Code of Ethics
Ethical Boundaries: Standards of Ethical Practice and Professional Conduct
Ethical Boundaries: Obligation of All Recovery House Operators
Ethical Boundaries Assessment #1
Ethical Boundaries: What is an Ethical Boundary?
Ethical Boundaries: Ethical Boundaries in Recovery Housing
Ethical Boundaries: Staying Within Ethical Boundaries
Ethical Boundaries: Dual Relationships
Ethical Boundaries: Are You Crossing Ethical Boundary?
Ethical Boundaries Assessment #2
Ethical Boundaries: What Are Boundary Violations?
Ethical Boundaries: Examples of Professionals Crossing Ethical Boundaries
Ethical Boundaries: Example #1 of Crossing an Ethical Boundary
Ethical Boundaries: Example #2 of Crossing an Ethical Boundary
Ethical Boundaries: Example #3 of Crossing an Ethical Boundary
Ethical Boundaries: Be Safe Instead of Being Sorry
Ethical Boundaries: Staying in Your Lane
Ethical Boundaries: How to Avoid Crossing an Ethical Boundary
Ethical Boundaries: Employment
Ethical Boundaries: Money
Ethical Boundaries: Grievances
Ethical Boundaries: Staff
Ethical Boundaries: "Difficult" or "Mean" Resident
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #1
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #1 cont.
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #2
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #2 cont.
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #3
Ethical Boundaries: Journal Exercise #3 Cont.
Ethical Boundaries: Summary
Ethical Boundaries Assessment #3
Ethical Boundaries: NEXT STEPS