Being Inclusive

Peer Reviewer Expectations > Being Inclusive

Ohio needs recovery housing that meets the needs of all Ohioans, and we can only do that with a diverse group of recovery housing operators. We know that most people do not intend to discriminate. However, we feel it is important to establish our expectations regarding inclusivity and anti-discrimination clearly, so there are no misunderstandings.

ORH expects all peer reviewers to behave in a way that promotes a welcoming and inclusive environment. That means that reviewers are asked not to use language that is insensitive, such as racial slurs, sexist jokes or offensive comments (for instance, homophobic comments). Reviewers are asked not to use language that is stigmatizing against people in recovery or against people with mental illness.  Reviewers are asked to not wear clothing or display symbols during a review that promote racism, homophobia, sexism or other disparaging remarks about specific populations.

Reviewers are also asked to use everyone’s preferred name and pronouns. If you are uncertain about what name or pronoun to use, or how to pronounce a person’s name, please politely ask the person.  Please feel comfortable sharing your own name and pronouns.

In general, peer reviewers are expected to act professionally and with courtesy to all individuals who may be present at the review.