Recovery House Manager Curriculum

The purpose of this curriculum is to enhance and expand the knowledge, skills and ability of Recovery House Managers, the primary direct support role within most recovery residences.

Self-paced courses: 1) Recovery Literacy, 2) Introduction to Recovery Residences and 3) Social Model Recovery

Virtual Classes: The Fundamentals of Being a Recovery House Manager– Dates and zoom links will be emailed to students

Curriculum Syllabus

Not Enrolled
1. Recovery Literacy
1.1. Definitions of “Recovery”
1.1.1. Personal definition
1.1.2. National Definition
1.1.3. Abstinence-based Recovery
1.1.4. Medication Assisted Recovery
1.1.5. Organizational Definition
1.2. Recovery Principles
1.2.1. Hope
1.2.2. Person-driven
1.2.3. Many Pathways
1.2.4. Holistic
1.2.5. Peer Support
1.2.6. Networks
1.2.7. Culturally based
1.2.8. Trauma Responsive
1.2.9. Strengths-based
1.2.10. Respect
1.3. Recovery Capital
1.3.1. Human Capital
1.3.2. Physical Capital 
1.3.3. Cultural Capital 
1.3.4. Social Capital 
1.3.5. Recovery Capital Assessments
1.4. Chronic Care Approach
1.4.1. ROSC
1.4.2. Recovery Management
1.5. Recovery Support Services
1.5.1. Peer-based Recovery Support Services
1.5.2. Types of PRSS
1.5.3. Service Models and Settings
1.5.4. Recovery Community Organizations
1.6. Quiz: Recovery Literacy
2. Introduction to Recovery Residences in the US
2.1. Marketplace
2.1.1. Supply and Demand
2.1.2. Affordability and Sustainability
2.1.3. Reputation and Discrimination
2.2. Common Language
2.2.1. Language
2.2.2. Definitions
2.3. Policy Intersections
2.3.1. Recovery Component
2.3.2. Housing Component
2.3.3. Treatment Component
2.4. Past, Present and Future
2.4.1. 1800s
2.4.2. 1900s
2.4.3. 2000s
2.4.4. Future
2.5. Levels of Support
2.5.1. Levels Overview
2.5.2. Level Delineation
2.5.3. Multiple Criteria
2.6. RR Best Practices
2.6.1. 10 Guiding Principles
2.6.2. Standards and Certification
2.6.3. Philosophical Frameworks
2.7. Roles and Responsibilities
2.7.1. Governance
2.7.2. Leadership
2.8. Quiz: Recovery Residences in the US
3. Social Model Recovery
3.1. Opposite of Addiction is Connection
3.2. Social Determinants of Health
3.2.1. SDOH vs. Medical Model
3.2.2. Healthy People 2030: SDOH
3.3. Social Model Ecosystems
3.3.1. Ecosystem Stability
3.3.2. Social-Community Model
3.4. Sense of Community
3.4.1. Perceived Sense of Community Scale
3.4.2. Brief Sense of Community Scale
3.5. Social Networks
3.5.1. Abstinence-Specific Social Support
3.5.2. Multiple Group Membership
3.5.3. Multiple Dimensional Networks
3.5.4. Personal vs "Whole" Networks
3.5.5. Beneficial Characteristics of Social Networks
3.5.6. Health Benefits of Social Networks
3.6. Social vs Clinical Model
3.6.1. Environment
3.6.2. Staff
3.6.3. Authority
3.6.4. Recovery Orientation
3.6.5. Governance
3.6.6. Community Orientation
3.7. Quiz: Social Model